Monthly Update - Blog

Monthly Update

The end of the month will be fantastic – Halloween and the last session of book 2 in Rise of the Rundelords. I can hardly wait – I wonder if my character (a full-fledged Magus) survives what’s to come…or if any of us does.

Monthly Update - Blog

The Tzarwolf

Monthly Update! …our warrior lies helpless on the ground in front of the five-headed dragon (continuation from the last update). A futile battle! A level one warrior never stood a chance against the final enemy of the campaign: Tiamat – The Marketing Monster. But as darkness slowly surrounds him and the dragon looms over its…

Monthly Update - Blog

Five-Headed Dragon

Monthly Update! Hi! This is the very first “MONTHLY UPDATE” from me … ever! (if you don’t count the “Welcome” post)  I don’t intend to make these updates long and tedious, but I’ll quickly go into things that have transpired since last. The feeling of pride due to the book’s publication (Secrets of the Elementals)…